I'm a Medical Writer & Editor. A very keen Health blogger who absolutely enjoys posting interesting topics. I studied for a BA in Economics, gained a MSc in Life Sciences and then went on to study for my Phd in Health Economics. I love writing. Mainly the topics are health, mental health, pets, travel, technology and digital media.

I am a passionate photographer and try my best at times to put some of my images in my work.

As well as writing, reading is my passion. Not only health & science journals or my favourite novelist that can run of most people's lips; I so enjoy turning on my MacBook and reading stories from fellow Medium writers. There really is great work here. From poetry to personal life, recipes to share, superb fiction that leaves you on a knife edge. I'm so glad I joined.

Medium member since July 2024
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Dr Elizabeth

Dr Elizabeth

Medical writer & editor. Love, my family, my labradors & life itself. Passionate writer, photographer. Health blogger. Phd Health Economics.